What are we trying to achieve?

Our journey

We want to go on a journey to ensure families in South Ayrshire are at the heart of everything we do, and where their wellbeing is our top priority. 

With a focus on prevention and early intervention we will work to empower families living in South Ayrshire. We will work with families in a way that values the unique needs and perspectives of each family member. 

We will ensure those working in our services have access to the resources, training, and the support they need to achieve our shared goal, and where they can overcome any challenges that come their way. We will help build strong and resilient communities where families are supported to thrive, and where every member is valued and included. This is our whole family approach.

What will guide our journey?


The Promise – Our pledge that South Ayrshire’s children and young people with care experience will have a good loving childhood, where their needs are met and outcomes are improved.  Their voice will continue to drive our commitment to Keep The Promise.


Families – Our commitment to families in South Ayrshire that support is easily accessible through integrated, multi-agency teams who are based in their local community and know it well.  We are committed to helping whole families overcome difficulties to stay together, where children feel loved and are safe. 


Included – Our recognition that we can do more for our children, young people and families who have diagnosed or undiagnosed additional support needs to help them reach their full potential.


Voice – Our understanding that we must listen to children and meaningfully involve them in decision-making around their wellbeing. South Ayrshire will embrace a culture where compassionate, responsive decision-making for children is embedded into everything we do.  


Healthy – Our dedication to reducing harm, promoting health and keeping our children, young people and families’ in South Ayrshire safe.


People – Our training offer to staff in South Ayrshire, allowing them to come together to learn, collaborate and build relationships for the best outcome of the child.  The adults with whom children and young people build trusting relationships must be supported in their role to show compassion and care.

Finding firm ground

Moving our resources “upstream” to reinforce a prevention approach, as we shift from managing crisis to supporting whole families at the earliest point they indicate extra help is needed.  

Integrating services further in South Ayrshire by supporting our practitioners to work together in “Family First” locality teams, allowing opportunity for connection and reflection to positively impact outcomes for whole families.

Holding children and young people’s voice at the heart of services by undertaking a rights-based approach to planning for maximum impact.

How will we know if we are going in the right direction?

Each individual family member will be supported to access the right support, at the right time and place for them to meet their needs (Family) 

Health inequalities will reduce, children and young people will achieve positive outcomes in wellbeing, emotional and physical health (Included/Healthy) 

Staff in South Ayrshire who support children, young people and families will be trained and equipped to offer trauma sensitive supports (People) 

Fewer children and young people will leave their families where it is safe to stay at home and they feel loved (The Promise)

Communities will tell us the kind of care they want and need to avoid crisis, and will feel heard (Voice)

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