The wider landscape for our journey
The National Context
There are many national and local strategies, plans, frameworks and legislation that associate, inform and align with the Children and Young People’s Services Plan. As integrated, collaborative services we work collectively across sectors to achieve the best outcomes for our children, young people and their families.

The Promise
In South Ayrshire we are fully committed to Keeping The Promise and are currently delivering on The Promise Plan 21-24, whilst recognising that Plan 25-27 will come into force during the period of this Children and Young People’s Service Plan. This Children and Young People’s Services Plan has been shaped by the 5 foundations of The Promise; Voice, Family, Care, People and Scaffolding.
South Ayrshire will do absolutely everything it can to make sure that the recommendations are fully implemented. We are reviewing how we position and provide services in South Ayrshire to ensure that families feel supported at the earliest possible point.
Whole Family Support
Children’s Services in South Ayrshire recognise that families come in all shapes and sizes. We are committed to walking alongside families where and when they need us, focusing on strengths to keep families together. We know our Third Sector partners play a particularly significant role in this commitment and reach children, young people and families across communities in South Ayrshire. By keeping families at the heart of everything we do and meeting individual needs we’ll help them to avoid crisis.
In recent times, there have been several significant developments at National level aiming to enhance the overall wellbeing of families across Scotland. One of the most notable initiatives is the £500 million investment in Whole Family Wellbeing Funding, which is set to be implemented by 2026. This funding is intended to support a range of programs and services aimed at promoting the overall health and wellness of families, including physical and mental health, education, and employment opportunities.
To help us get it right for families, South Ayrshire Council Children’s Services Planning Partnership and Horizons Research have undertaken a learning partnership to support the development of service design and delivery.
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)
GIRFEC is the Scottish Government’s policy framework which overarches everything that services for children and young people do. GIRFEC guidance was refreshed in 2022 and is founded on principles of early intervention that is appropriate and proportionate to promote wellbeing. GIRFEC supports us to work in partnership with families and assists services in South Ayrshire to act quickly when families need extra help. We know that the success of our Plan will be influenced by the effective use of the GIRFEC approach across all of our children and young people’s services in South Ayrshire.
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
This Act is an important piece of legislation that aims to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up. It influences how our services in South Ayrshire work together to improve the lives of our children, young people and families. The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 sets out a requirement for all Local Authorities and Health Boards in Scotland to work collaboratively to develop a local Children Services Plan to be reviewed every three years.
Children and young people are at the very heart of this Act, where services are encouraged towards a collaborative shift to early intervention and prevention offers of support, rather than crisis response.
Children’s Rights (UNCRC)
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the global “gold standard” benchmark for children’s rights and sets out the fundamental rights of all children. A rights respecting approach is embedded throughout this plan and in how we design services. Children’s voices, rights and needs will be at the heart of decisions as they know what is best for them.
Impact of trauma
We understand that children and young people affected by trauma and their families need to know what services are available at different points in their recovery journey. Supporters of individuals affected by trauma should have the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the whole family. In South Ayrshire we will ensure that our staff are trained to be trauma informed and responsive, in line with our GIRFEC approach.
How will we know if our journey was successful?
Children (0-5 years) meeting expected developmental milestones increases
Children, young people and families report experiences of mental health, additional support needs and wellbeing are listened to and supported
Staff report increased knowledge and skill to support mental health and wellbeing
Improved attendance and attainment for children and young people with care experience
Improved Health and wellbeing levels for children and young people with care experience
Young people presenting at hospital with substance related concerns decreases and support is available if they do
Continuing our success around school pupils entering positive destinations
Engagement sessions tailored to needs of children, young people, families and carers are successful
Practitioners and families will tell us they know where to access appropriate and timely support
Parents accessing family supports report an increase in family wellbeing